If you want to develop in your work or talk with colleagues about how they deal with certain things, there are various forms of work which might be useful to you. Intervision is about holding discussions with colleagues of your level about what you run up against. Supervision is supervised intervision, while a coach is a professional adviser who helps you with a specific request.
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An intervision group consists of four to eight persons who make agreements beforehand about the aims, rules of play and method. There is no hierarchy within an intervision group apart from the discussion leader. Participants contribute items for discussion and the group decides what to discuss. Sometimes the group is supervised by a trainer, but there is often no one in charge. Most intervision discussions last from one to two hours.
There are various intervision methods, but each of them has the same basic structure. In each intervision you discuss an issue that has been brought up by one of the participants. The discussion is conducted in accordance with a particular plan in stages. Raising questions that clarify the issue helps you as a participant in your examination of what is going on in your issue: what is your position in it, which solutions have you chosen yourself, what is the underlying motive, and how could you have acted differently? If you do not have any experience with intervision, it is advisable to conduct the first sessions under the supervision of a coach.
Supervision is supervised learning by reflection on your own work experiences. Supervision involves critically examining your own behaviour. It provides answers to your personal learning question, so that you can make a long-term improvement to how you work. Supervision takes place in a series of sessions lasting from one or two to five hours. It may be individual or in a small group of no more than four participants. The supervisor determines which experiences and questions are relevant.
Coaching is aimed at the improvement of performance in the exercise of the profession or function on the basis of personal learning targets. The emphasis may be on personal or professional targets, or a combination of the two. You learn to function better in a specific situation or to fulfil a particular task.