
BeroepKunstenaar is a website of the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) for creative, performing and teaching artists from different disciplines, for auxiliary professions in the performing arts, and for heritage professionals. already helps to guide students during their study in the business aspect of their future field of work. The site also offers practical information for graduates about starting their own professional practice as freelancers or in paid employment, always fair practice.

Development BeroepKunstenaar

Besides the editorial team and many members of staff of the Amsterdam University of the Arts, various organisations have contributed to BeroepKunstenaar in the last few years.

Other contributors:
Pauline Beran (Recht en Kunst), Gijs van Bon (visual artist), Adriana Bosselaar (alumnus Reinwardt Academy), Meindert Bussink (, Maarten Gulickx (Adapt Music), Saskia van Heugten (lecturer visual art), Michelle van der Hoeven (tailored PM), Christine van Hoorn (alumnus Master Education in Arts), Wilma Kuite (Alles voor de Kunsten), Mirjam Mazurel (Rietveld Academy), Maud Mentink (alumnus Production Performing Arts), Anne Piersma (freelance author), Jan van der Plas (De Muzikantengids), Heinz-Gerd Roes (InHolland), Florielle Ruepert (Cultuur in contact), Ben Schoenmaker (tax advisor), Thomas Spiekhout (alumnus Netherlands Film Academy) Marja van Tienhoven (VK Consult), Sanne de Vos (production manager), Joyce Woudenberg (Joyce in coaching) and many others.

Directly to:



Alphabet Town
Peter Mason
Susan Polstra
Taalcentrum - VU, Amsterdam




Allard van der Hoek
Altin Kaftira
Bart Grietens
Bibi Veth
Bob Bronshoff
Erwin van Amstel
Hanne Nijhuis
Jimmy on the Run
Jonathan Andrew
Lot Morrees Andrea
Robert van der Ree
Steven van Watermeulen
Teun Hermsen
Thomas Lenden


No part of BeroepKunstenaar may be reproduced without prior written permission. For example, if you want to include parts of the website in a reader, contact the web manager: Judith Prins, tel. 020-5277803,


The information on this site has been compiled with the greatest care but no claims for liability may be based on it.


In the late 1990s the AHK started to develop teaching material about the business aspects of the artistic profession. The first site was developed under the name ‘The enterprising Artist’. With the collaboration of Kunstenaars&CO it became in 2003. The AHK has been maintaining and developing this site on its own since July 2009. More information on entrepreneurship education at the Amsterdam University of the Arts:

The predecessors of the present site received financial support from:

  • the Entrepreneurship and Education scheme, the Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • the ICT for non-ICT courses scheme, in collaboration with the Arts Education Sectoral Advisory Board of the Higher Professional Education Council