Tax and income

Here you will find information on taxes, tax administration for self-employed people, model agreements and social security, if you experience trouble earning enough income.



If you live and work in the Netherlands, you will have to deal with different types of taxes. Which taxes does this concern and what happens if you…


Income tax

Your income is taxed in three different boxes. The amount of income tax you ultimately have to pay is determined in the annual tax return.


Turnover tax (VAT)

What is turnover tax (VAT, valued-added tax)? And how do you calculate your VAT?


Tax on assignments/commissions

You can organise your work in various ways. The form you choose will have consequences for the amount of income tax you pay, the tax credits you will…


Model agreement

The client and contracter use a model agreement in order to clarify their working relationship.


Social security

An overview of insurance policies and provisions for times when things aren’t going so well.