Study programmes higher education
The Dutch educational system has a bachelor-master structure. After the bachelor’s course, you can take a follow-up course: a more advanced course or a master’s course.
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Discipline specific
A high level is required for admission to a course in one of the arts. The criteria for admission are laid down by law for each discipline. Not only talent but also experience and training are necessary. Some institutions often offer orientation courses that can be followed in addition to regular education, for example on Saturdays.
Most courses in an arts disciplines have selection rounds that determine whether a person can be admitted as a student. You can find information about that on the websites of the relevant institutes. If you are admitted for a particular course, that does not mean that you can switch to a different institute with a similar course.
Conservatory: bachelor and master
Each institution offers various courses in the field of music, such as different directions within classical, jazz, pop, world music and teacher training. The following conservatories offer at least bachelor's programs, sometimes also masters.
Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Amsterdams University of the Arts
Conservatorium Haarlem, Inholland, Haarlem
ArtEZ Academy of Music, Arnhem, Enschede, Zwolle
Royal Conservatory, The Hague
Prince Claus Conservatoire, Hanze Groningen
Conservatorium Maastricht, Hogeschool Zuyd
Codarts, Rotterdam
Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Fontys, Tilburg
Rockacademie, Fontys, Tilburg
Utrechts Conservatorium, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
Minerva Academie, Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Art education: music
Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Amsterdam University of the Arts
ArtEZ Academy of Music, Arnhem, Enschede, Zwolle
Codarts, Rotterdam
Conservatorium Maastricht, Zuyd
Utrechts Conservatorium, University of the Arts Utrecht
Prince Claus Conservatoire, Hanze, Groningen
Inholland, Haarlem
Art education: master
Master of Education in Arts, Amsterdam University of the Arts
ArtEZ, Arnhem, Zwolle
Fontys, Tilburg
Zuyd, Maastricht
University of the Arts Utrecht, Utrecht
Academie Minerva, Hanzehogeschool, Groningen
DAS Theatre, Amsterdam University of the Arts