FAQ what is fair practice?
What is it exactly and how can you set up a fair practice? Fair practice is about fair compensation for work and the circumstances in which you do that work. Why is fair practice important? And what do you have to pay attention to if you want to establish sustainable labour practices?
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Why fair practice?
After the financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent cuts to arts and culture budgets many organisations are relying on their own reserves, and on the drive and self-reliance of their employees and contractors. Concerns about the labor market have ignited discussion about fair practice, because fair practice is essential for a healthy sector and a long-lasting career. That is why in 2017 the Fair Practice Code was introduced, an initiative from and by the professional field. Are you applying for subsidies? Then you will be asked how you apply the Fair Practice Code.
Fair Practice Code
Applying the Fair Practice Code is actually navigating with a moral compass. This code consists of five core values: solidarity, transparency, sustainability, diversity and trust. In addition the Fair Practice Code uses three underlying principles, which are interwoven throughout all values: Fair Pay, Fair Share, Fair Chain.
The Fair Practice Code includes ten themes that can provide inspiration for working with fair practice. Think of:
- Professional development
- Sustainability
- Working in a healty way
- Financial transparency
- Work safely
- Supervision
- Royaltys
- Working on fair practice
- Diversity & inclusion
- Fair compensation
Fair Practice Lab
In December 2022, the launch of the 'Fair Practice Lab' took place. With the Fair Practice Lab, an organisation can develop its own tailor-made vision on fair practice. The package includes a hands-on book and a self-facilitated workshop. The result is a concrete vision, strategy and an action plan.
Source: the images below are from the publication Navigating with the Fair Practice Code (in Dutch)
Take responsibility
Whether you're self-employed, an employee or an employer: you are responsible, first and foremost, for your performance. What are your norms and values and have you clearly expressed these to your colleagues, client or project team? And perhaps even more important: act according to your principles. Do you think that ‘free’ work or overtime is not right? Don’t do it in that case and don’t ask others to do that either.
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Weigh up the result
Take a critical look at how an assignment or job will benefit you. In any case, consider your (artistic) development, the development of your network and, of course, the financial aspect. For example: are you being paid little, but will the assignment provide you with a new network and can you develop artistically through this project? In that case, it might still be interesting to take on the project. The opposite might be the case also: you are offered a good sum of money, but the project will not expand your network or help you develop. Should you still do it in that instance? These considerations will change in the course of your career and may also depend on the party with whom you are working.
Know what you’re worth
What is reasonable payment for your experience and qualities? You can ask for information from professional associations about setting your price or refer to a collective labour agreement (‘cao’ in the Netherlands). You should also not forget to consult your network and colleagues. If you’re self-employed, make sure you can easily explain why you ask for a certain hourly rate. You also have to find a way to pay for health and invalidity insurance, a pension plan, and office and administration costs – an employee doesn’t have to do that. If you are an employee, you will want to make a salary proposal that ties in with your experience. If you know approximately what you need to live on, and can substantiate this, negotiating suddenly becomes a lot easier. What does not count as fair practice in any case? A self-employed person who is receiving the same hourly rate as someone who is employed.
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Seek support from existing guidelines
Various organisations are working on guidelines that should encourage fair practice. Such as the guidelines for artists, composers, conductors and singing teachers. The arts association Kunstenbond offers a rate checker. Check out the links below for examples and guidelines. Also the FairPACCT program is being developed. In this program 'chain tables' (subsectors) design tools to apply the Fair Practice Code in practice. Are you in negotiation? Ask your client whether the proposal is in line with what is on the 'chain table'.
Check the DigiPACCT platform if you want to know more about human resources (HR) and working conditions. Here you will find a knowledge base, news, networking opportunities and references to all existing collective labor agreements (cao's) and fee guidelines of the sector.
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