Representative bodies

As a professional, you can turn to various places for advice and information. Examples include sectoral bodies and representative bodies, such as professional associations and trade unions. What can they do for you exactly and where can you find them?

Advice and information

Network organisations, professional associations, industry associations and trade unions are all parties that represent the interests of a sector and/or their own members in various ways. The precise duties a representative body assumes are not laid down anywhere. A network organisation is often purely geared towards enabling contact between organisations or persons, often in the same field of work. Associations often focus on promoting the interests of the collective and also arrange networking meetings for their members. In addition, they often play an important role in the professionalisation of the field, for example by means of an active lobby (possibly by activating their members). A trade union focuses more on promoting the interests of both the collective and the individual. They are also more likely to provide legal assistance.

Things which are often offered include: networking events, legal help, personal advice, tax advice, insurance, courses or workshops and knowledge. If you are considering joining somewhere, do your homework about the membership fees and the services offered, so that you know which organisation suits you best. Sometimes there are student or starter rates and you can usually sign up for newsletters for free. You can quickly and easily find an organisation that suits you via the Connection Guide.

Examples of two large trade unions include the Kunstenbond and CNV Kunst en cultuur. And it is nice to know that lots of these associations are, in turn, members of Kunsten ‘92, the advocacy organisation for the entire arts, culture and heritage field.

Sectoral bodies

There are several sectoral bodies financed from the cultural basic infrastructure (BIS). These are institutions that perform support duties for the arts and cultural sector.

  • Allard Pierson manages collections in the fields of archaeology, book history, cartography, graphic design, Jewish cultural history, natural history and the performing arts.
  • Boekman Foundation is an independent knowledge centre for research and statistics.
  • Cultuur+Ondernemen is a knowledge hub about entrepreneurship and offers cultural loans for makers.
  • Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland (Digital Heritage Netherlands, DEN) supports cultural institutions with their digitalisation policy.
  • DutchCulture focuses on international cultural policy and collaboration.
  • EYE promotes Dutch film culture by means of collection development, presentation, promotion, research, education and knowledge transfer for a broad public and professionals.
  • Het Nieuwe Instituut is the sectoral body for the design and creative industry.
  • National Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts (LKCA) aims to stimulate and support the cultural life of children, young people and adults.
  • Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid) is the place where all media comes together; in the Media Museum, archive, online and on location. All forms of Dutch media heritage are stored; from radio and television programs to video (games) and from music and podcasts to political pictures and photos. The institute has a network and platform function.
  • Platform Arbeidsmarkt Culturele en Creatieve Toekomst (PACCT) improves the position of workers in the cultural and creative sector.