Pop umbrella organisations

The mission of a pop umbrella organisation is to support and promote provincial pop music and to create conditions for producing a flourishing pop climate. Many production houses are also supported by a provincial pop umbrella organisation.

The main focus of a pop umbrella organisation?

  • Providing information via websites, consultants and for example an address guide of venues and organizations.
  • Subsidies: nearly all pop umbrellas have their own venue plan. This exists of a subsidy scheme for provincial venues and festivals which stimulates the programming of up-and-coming talent from the region.
  • Festivals: organising and supporting festivals, including a pop event from which the winners go through to a national competition, 'de Grote Prijs van Nederland'.
  • Archives: maintenance of a current and historical archive of bands in the province.
  • Research: for making policy.
  • Coaching: many pop umbrella organisations have a coaching program for bands or artists, often of a long-term nature.
  • Workshops and courses: these usually concern audio technique or professional aspects of pop music.

Directly to:

Arts advocacy


A few times each year the pop umbrellas gather in the Provinciaal Koepel Overleg (provincial umbrella-group consultation) to compare experiences and to develop combined activities. This gathering is coordinated by the POPnl, a foundation in which the umbrella organisations work together.