Theatre and dance in the Netherlands

In this section you will find information about the Dutch theatre and dance landscape.


Theatre makers

About companies that receive grants, creative artists who produce without grants, opera companies, youth theatre and opportunities for young talent.


Venues, theatres and festivals

On different kinds of venues, theatres and festivals in the Netherlands.


Production houses and workshops

About production houses and workshops that offer young creative artists support with developing a professional practice.



Which relevant awards are there in the theatre and dance world, and what is their value?



Intermediaries/agents can provide various services. Who is who? What will you agree? What will it cost?


Theatre agencies and impresarios

A selection of Dutch impresarios and theatre agencies.


Professional associations

About trade unions and professional associations that represent your interests and can give business advice.


Professional media theatre and dance

A selection of relevant professional media in the Netherlands and abroad.



What the business side of a professional field looks like is currently widely discussed in podcasts. We have listed a number of interesting Dutch…