Step-by-step plan forming a company
Based on this step-by-step plan, you will make fundamental choices about forming your own company. Then you can proceed with the practical implementation.
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1. Determine the composition of the group and the organisational form
The organisational form you choose is linked to your artistic and organisational objectives: whether this will be a company of fixed employees, a production core, a collective or a group around an artistic director/choreographer.
The question of what you do yourself and what you outsource is related to this. Think of tasks such as business management, accounting, publicity, sale and production. Decide who will be in charge of what and how decisions will be made.
2. Legal independence: decide on the type of enterprise
Decide which type of enterprise is most suitable. If you do not just work together with individual artists incidentally, but want to present yourself as an organisation, establish a formal organisation. The type of enterprise you choose affects the authorities and liabilities of the employees, the taxation and the possibilities for financing. Most companies choose to be a legal entity: a foundation or association.
Also decide on the composition of the board of management. The board of a foundation bears the financial and legal final responsibility. Think of what you expect from a board and find board members with the right know-how. Formalise the incorporation with a civil-law notary as soon as you have appointed a board.
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3. Arrange financial matters
Take stock of financial means. What have you got, what do you still need to form the company. You may be able to get a start-up subsidy. Structural subsidies cannot be applied for until you have produced a number of successful performances.
Also set up a good accounting system. This is important for your budget management, the Tax and Customs Administration and any subsidisers. You may outsource these tasks to an accountant. The obligations you have depend on your sources of income and on the type of enterprise.
4. Ensure a good production apparatus
Find a place for an office and for rehearsals. Decide whether you will rent a space for just one production or whether you will need the work spaces on a permanent basis.
Do you need any technical means? Take stock of what you need and compare the cost of renting and buying. If you use the equipment of others, carefully record who the owners are and who is in charge of maintenance and insurance, among other things.
And what about transportation? Consider what would be cheaper: to buy or to rent. One of the company members may own means of transport that may be used for a fee.
5. Draw up a division of tasks
A clear division of tasks is important for the proper functioning of a company and a production. In addition to the artistic staffing, think of the following aspects:
- Business management
Is anyone inside the company in charge of budget management and fundraising or have these tasks been outsourced to an agency? - Production
The production process requires production and organisational expertise. You can hire a production leader for the length of the rehearsals period. Make clear arrangements about the division of tasks and the planning. Agree on who will keep an eye on the implementation of those arrangements. - Marketing and publicity
How will you market your company? And what are you going to do about publicity, in general and/or per production? Think about who will make the plans and who will execute them. In addition, inform yourself well about common terms and deadlines. Make a solid time schedule. - Other tasks
Decide which employees you will need to run the administrative office, do the books, the technique, settings and costumes. Calculate how much time each year you need people to do certain jobs, and decide whether to employ them or hire them. Do not underestimate the importance of a well-run ‘office’.
6. Draw up a policy plan
Based on the abovementioned choices, describe the company including the artistic concept: what do you want to achieve, artistically and organisationally, how will you do this and with whom. Also think of raising the necessary funds. Place yourself within the broader perspective of the sector: how do you distinguish yourself, and what are the similarities to other groups. Be as concrete and realistic as possible.
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